Fitness: Hot Tub, Sauna, Steam Room Reward!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Do you know what happens to your body after you aggressively (or gently) force it up and down flights of stairs repeatedly? It begins to reject and hate you. Rejection and hate are typically associated with PAIN.
Self-inflicted pain for the purpose of health and results somehow seems better than other types of pain. But it still sucks. Regardless of what kind of positive torture we put ourselves through (free weights, Tobata, kick boxing, stairs), don't we deserve a reward?
I've recently discovered the muti-purpose happiness of the leisure centres around our city. It started out with just an invite to the hot tub. But we jump from steam room, to hot tub, to sauna, back to hot tub until we are completely relaxed and suffiently heated. We added the challenge of lane swims before we can relax too (even though trying to swim more than one lane at a time leaves me gasping for breath like a dog in a heat wave).
Not only do we leave super laid back, but the muscles from whatever vigorous (or mildly strenuous) fitness activities that might be sore should feel a ton better than they would have otherwise. How do you reward yourself for a good workout (or thinking for a long time about a good workout)?