I remember when Instagram came out. I thought "Just pictures? How lame!". So it took me a little while to catch on. Then I realized my phone was full of fun photos (well I think they're fun anyway) and I could share them with my friends and family. Once I started scrolling my life away, I actually deleted my Facebook account. All the goodness of seeing my friends and family without all the drama and articles and whining. Here's a list of my favourite 5 instas that keep me entertained on the daily.

This guy cracks me UP! He's super hilarious, has a great singing voice and uses it to be ridiculous, and has a killer smile.
Super hotty with multiple personalities and a dirty mind. Chick busts me up and might just be my soul mate.

It's the Guardian of the Galaxy himself. Oh yes, the delicious Starlord. Dude is shredded, sexy, and super funny! Noticing a trend here? Hot and hilarious is my jam. #whatsmysnack are my FAVOURITE posts of his.

Chris's artistic talent is matched only by his incredibly great spirit. He's sweet, hilarious, and a wicked colourer, with crayons and needles full of ink.

I follow a few make up pages, but this one is my favourite. The tutorials are fast and fun - enough to keep my short short attention span! She showcases other people's tutorials too which I like. And now I can almost do my own winged eyeliner.
What are your favourite 5 insta pages??