How To Do A Fiscal Fast

Friday, March 22, 2019

 Generally, January seems to be a great month to prepare your mind of this huge feat but better late than never right? At least one month a year, it pays to attempt a fiscal fast. Many of us blew threw so much money in December due to the holiday season and than continued to spend and never recovered. Now is a great time to fast on your spending. Few pointers on how to complete a month of fiscal fasting:

No Eating or Drinking Out: This one is pretty self explanatory. No lunch. No dinner. No coffee. No smoothies. No beers. 

Cupboard Cleanse: Use the stuff in your cupboards you haven't gotten around to in a while. The sample toothpaste from the dentist. The hotel shampoo and conditioner. The bubble bath from a gift exchange. Make up samples taking up room in your collection.

Groceries: Limit what you purchase. Don't restock everything. Try not restocking anything. Finish that jar of pickles. Make a recipe using only things in your pantry. Deplete everything in your freezer. Skip the non-essential purchases - snacks and soda

Gifts/Parties: These are non-essentials and unless you've properly budgeted for gifts, you will have to find a way around purchasing presents. Turn down invites to parties that aren't free. Time to get creative and hibernate at home.

Find the Free: There are so many ways to find fun, free things to do. Most cities and towns have websites loaded with ideas. Hammer down on the pile of books you've been meaning to read. Catch up on all those PVR'd shows. Write that book that's been brewing in your head. 

You CAN do this. Share your tips and stories that could help make the next fiscal fast successful for all of us!