Save Money By Going Back to Basics

Monday, September 25, 2023

Life, work, health and finances can often feel very complex and overly busy. All this complex and busy-ness can have a negative impact on achieving what matters most and leave you feeling overwhelmed. This is why going back to the basics is so is important. When you adopt a back to basics approach especially with your finances you are proactively focusing on the things that make the most difference, kind of like a re-set.

Here is few things you can adopt to have a financial re-set and go back to basics... some of this advice sounds so basic and you might think its pointless but try it for 60 days, if you don't notice the difference that go back to normal. I tried this for month of August and September and not only did my budget and bank account see the difference but I actually enjoyed it, a lot.

Not buying lunch or coffee
I love PSL (probably more than an average person) and am very lazy when it comes to making lunch as it so much easier to order in. So my coffee order is usually $2.50 to $6.95 per day (average 4.75) about five times a week, I was spending $24 on average. So I went and bough ground coffee and pumpkin spice creamer and milk, for $22.25. This made me coffee for 3.5 weeks. It did take me couple days to perfect a perfect latter and it might be better than Starbuck PSL.

Another thing I tried, I made lunch for both my partner and me Monday to Friday, which saved us a ton of money as we were not spending money going out to grab lunch. I did try to figure out what meals I would make before going to grocery store and making a shopping list, I also looked at sales via app called reebee, and we would shop where things we needed were on sale, and in stores that price match showed them the deal on flyers. We still did things on weekend, as eating out was a treat. Buying groceries and cooking at home not only provides family time, but it can save you a bundle.

Collect and use points
I know its a pain to sign up for all the points at all the stores but if you shop at same places all the time maximize the points. For example Optimum points, you can collect them while grocery shopping, beauty supplies even gas - so get the app, sign up for bonuses and redeem your points on bonus redemption day. We started exclusively shopping where we can collect PC Optimum points, and we collected $50 worth of points in about 40 days, I know its not a life changing amount BUT any money is worth it.

Simplify and organize your activates
This might sounds silly, but gas is expensive, so plan your week ahead. This way you can go to run errands same day you go to the gym, or already driving to meet friends. A friend of mine would make a errands list, along with a shopping list, and if they forgot something they would go without it until the next time they go shopping. This saved them time, but also money on gas.

How do you save money? Will be trying these back to basic tips?