For the love of shoes

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hi, my name is Nermisa and I am a shopoholic... First step to recovery is acceptance right?? I only buy too many shoes. While back I started a 100 days of shoes in Instagem, as life would have it I got completely sidetracked and this weekend got to taking few more pictures of shoes I know. 
Our garage wall displays most of our shoes...over time this got filled and now I "hide" shoes everywhere; in my car trunk, under the bed, at work... Girl is got to do what a girl is got to do. 
I get asked why and how I have so many shoes... Some were gifted and most I bought over time. My sister and I try and purge the shoes at least one a year mainly because I have nowhere to keep them. I would have to say shoes are my obsessions... Do you have one?
