Bosnian Coffee

Friday, February 21, 2020

I think you all now that I gave a problem and drink WAYYYY too much coffee. All coffee is not created equal and Bosnian coffee is my favorite.  One of my favorite things about going back to Bosnia is all the amazing coffee I get to drink.

Bosnian coffee is often compared to Turkish coffee, is made and served in a džezva and brought over with ceramic cup (findzan), a dish full of sugar cubes and a rahat lokum. However for us that have a coffee addiction we drink the coffee with milk in the biggest cup available.

Bosnian coffee stars by adding boiling water to a džezva on the stove. 
(You can boil water in a džezva,  it's really up to you)
After coming to a boil, add sugar (if you like your coffee sweet) to the water, than add coffee  to the džezva and put back on the gas stove for a few seconds, allowing the liquid to boil yet again and create a thick foam.
If you are making coffee in a big džezva, spoon out some foam into each coffee cup before pouring coffee in it.