3 Vegetables That Are So Delicious When You Roast Them

Friday, February 5, 2021

Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet but people often struggle to eat enough fresh vegetables because they get bored with them. Why is it always the unhealthy stuff that is so delicious? The thing is, vegetables don’t need to be boring, they can be delicious if you cook them in the right way. 

If you boil your vegetables to within an inch of their life, they will be mushy and flavorless, so it’s no wonder that you don’t want to eat them. If you want to retain their flavor and create interesting dishes with your vegetables, you should roast them instead. These are some of the best vegetables for roasting. 


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Cauliflower has to be one of the most underrated vegetables there is. When it’s boiled on its own, it doesn’t have much flavor and it isn’t that appetizing. Cauliflower cheese is one of the most common dishes people use it for, but you don’t need to cover it in an unhealthy cheese source if you want it to be delicious. If you bake cauliflower, you get a nice crisp on the outside and a soft inside, and you can cover it with some delicious flavors. Try these baked spicy cauliflower bites, for example. They’re delicious with a dip as a snack or a side, or you can add it to a main dish. A lot of vegans have baked breadcrumbed cauliflower bites as a tasty alternative to chicken wings. 


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Zucchini is a great, versatile vegetable that is delicious in tomato sauces, can be used as a healthy alternative to pasta using a spiralizer, and it’s amazing when you bake it. Zucchini works particularly well with Italian flavors, so you should try this Italian baked zucchini recipe with some delicious oregano, thyme, paprika and parmesan. But this is just one option, the possibilities are endless really. Why not try it with some curry spices, for example? If you experiment with it, you can create some great dishes with baked zucchini, and it’s so easy to make. 

Brussel Sprouts

Image From Pixabay CCO License 

Brussel sprouts get a bad name and most people just begrudgingly have them at Christmas, even though they don’t like them that much. The reason that people don’t like sprouts is that they’re quite boring and not very nice if you just boil them. When they’re roasted, on the other hand, you get such a great flavor. The outsides get nice and crispy and caramelized, giving an incredible depth of flavor. It really brings out the sweetness too, which is a great change from the bitter, mushy sprouts that you are used to. When you roast them, you can sprinkle them with any herbs and spices that you like to get a range of flavors. If you really want to boost the taste and make them more indulgent, you should toss them in some flavored butter as soon as they come out of the oven. 

People only think vegetables are boring because they don’t cook them in the right way. Next time you are preparing any of these vegetables, try roasting them instead of boiling and you’ll be surprised how delicious they can be.