Standard Kombucha

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Amy talked about her new years resolution earlier today, which got me thinking about mine… year in year out I try and be healthier and make better choices. Recently, my sister introduced me to something called Standard Kombucha, which is a company that brews a probiotic, antioxidant rich, 100% Organic drinks. Since I love shopping and supporting local and Canadian owned companies, I was all for trying it out. This all came about at the perfect time, just when I started training for Spartan Race.  So my lemon ginger Kombuch is a small step towards being healthier.

Fun facts about Standard Kombucha:
Owned and brewed in Canada, Vancouver to be exact.
Available at #YEG Remedy locations.
There is science behind it!

Have you tried it? What is your favorite flavor?

Thank you for supporting brands and companies that support LetterstoLALAland. This is NOT a sponsored post - just a product we love at Letters to LA LA Land


  1. What's it used for? weight loss? bloating? healthier skin? Is there a specific reason you should take it? It sounds interesting!

    1. It helps detox and has probiotics that help regulate your body. Its like a magical tea meets juice mixture that help regulate the body and stuff. Check their site - the science behind it is pretty cool.

      With both of those comes losing weight too + clearer skin. we all need a detox sometimes.
